Monday, September 20, 2010


HI, Viewers

Cracks for Microsoft Office -2010

Follows  with Keys List













Check it Here …
Just go to “regedit” and then follow these easy steps….

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft \OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform \Plugins \Objects

\msft:/algorithm/pkey/2005/ModuleID ba38975c-7786-44bc-b924-147c77920328

Change the last digit to 7 adn restart your computer… You are done

Sunday, September 05, 2010


This command will be use ful for migraton of servers from one network place to another network place , i hope this will be very useful in working scenario...

Networking: Esxcfg-firewall Esxcfg-nics Esxcfg-vswitch Esxcfg-vswif Esxcfg-route Esxcfg-vmknic

Storage: Esxcfg-mpath Esxcfg-nas Esxcfg-swisci Esxcfg-vmhbadevs

General: Esxcfg-advcfg Esxcfg-auth Esxcfg-info Esxcfg-resgrp Esxcfg-upgrade

Boot/Diagnostic: Esxcfg-boot Esxcfg-dumppart Esxcfg-init Esxcfg-linuxnet Esxcfg-module


Description: Configures the service console firewall ports

Syntax: esxcfg-firewall

-q Lists current settings

-q Lists settings for the specified service

-q incoming
outgoing Lists settings for non-required incoming/outgoing ports

-s Lists known services

-l Loads current settings

-r Resets all options to defaults

-e Allows specified service through the firewall (enables)

-d Blocks specified service (disables)

out,name> Opens a port

out> Closes a port previously opened by –o

-h Displays command help

-allowincoming Allow all incoming ports

-allowoutgoing Allow all outgoing ports

-blockincoming Block all non-required incoming ports (default value)

-blockoutgoing Block all non-required outgoing ports (default value)

Default Services:

AAMClient Added by the vpxa RPM: Traffic between ESX Server hosts for VMware High Availability (HA) and EMC Autostart Manager – inbound and outbound TCP and UDP Ports 2050 – 5000 and 8042 – 8045

activeDirectorKerberos Active Directory Kerberos - outbound TCPs Port 88 and 464

CIMHttpServer First-party optional service: CIM HTTP Server - inbound TCP Port 5988

CIMHttpsServer First-party optional service: CIM HTTPS Server - inbound TCP Port 5989

CIMSLP First-party optional service: CIM SLP - inbound and outbound TCP and UDP Ports 427

commvaultDynamic Backup agent: Commvault dynamic – inbound and outbound TCP Ports 8600 – 8619

commvaultStatic Backup agent: Commvault static – inbound and outbound TCP Ports 8400 – 8403

ftpClient FTP client - outbound TCP Port 21

ftpServer FTP server - inbound TCP Port 21

kerberos Kerberos - outbound TCPs Port 88 and 749

LicenseClient FlexLM license server client - outbound TCP Ports 27000 and 27010

nfsClient NFS client - outbound TCP and UDP Ports 111 and 2049 (0 – 65535)

nisClient NIS client - outbound TCP and UDP Ports 111 (0 – 65535)

ntpClient NTP client - outbound UDP Port 123

smbClient SMB client - outbound TCP Ports 137 – 139 and 445

snmpd SNMP services - inbound TCP Port 161 and outbound TCP Port 162

sshClient SSH client - outbound TCP Port 22

sshServer SSH server - inbound TCP Port 22

swISCSIClient First-party optional service: Software iSCSI client - outbound TCP Port 3260

telnetClient NTP client - outbound TCP Port 23

TSM Backup agent: IBM Tivoli Storage Manager – inbound and outbound TCP Ports 1500

veritasBackupExec Backup agent: Veritas BackupExec – inbound TCP Ports 10000 – 10200

veritasNetBackup Backup agent: Veritas NetBackup – inbound TCP Ports 13720, 13732, 13734, and 13783

vncServer VNC server - Allow VNC sessions 0-64: inbound TCP Ports 5900 – 5964

vpxHeartbeats vpx heartbeats - outbound UDP Port 902

Note: You can configure your own services in the file /etc/vmware/firewall/services.xml

esxcfg-firewall examples:

Enable ssh client connections from the Service Console:

# esxcfg-firewall -e sshClient

Disable the Samba client connections:

# esxcfg-firewall -d smbClient

Allow syslog outgoing traffic:

# esxcfg-firewall -o 514,udp,out,syslog

Turn off the firewall:

# esxcfg-firewall -allowIncoming

# esxcfg-firewall -allowOutgoing

Re-enable the firewall:

# esxcfg-firewall -blockIncoming

# esxcfg-firewall –blockOutgoing


Description: Prints a list of physical network adapters along with information on the driver, PCI device, and link state of each NIC. You can also use this command to control a physical network adapter’s speed and duplexing.

Syntax: esxcfg-nics [nic]


-s Set the speed of this NIC to one of 10/100/1000/10000. Requires a NIC parameter.

-d Set the duplex of this NIC to one of 'full' or 'half'. Requires a NIC parameter.

-a Set speed and duplex automatically. Requires a NIC parameter.

-l Print the list of NICs and their settings.

-r Restore the NICs configured speed/duplex settings. (Internal use only)

-h Displays command help

esxcfg-nics examples:

Set the speed and duplex of a NIC (vmnic2) to 100/Full:

esxcfg-nics -s 100 -d full vmnic2

Set the speed and duplex of a NIC (vmnic2) to auto-negotiate:

esxcfg-nics -a vmnic2


Description: Creates and updates virtual machine (vswitch) network settings

Syntax: esxcfg-vswitch [vswitch[:ports]]


-a Add a new virtual switch.

-d Delete the virtual switch.

-l List all the virtual switches.

-L Set pnic as an uplink for the vswitch.

-U Remove pnic from the uplinks for the vswitch.

-p Specify a portgroup for operation. Use ALL for operation to work on all portgroups

-v Set VLAN ID for portgroup specified by -p. 0 would disable the VLAN.

-c Check to see if a virtual switch exists. Program outputs a 1 if it exists, 0 otherwise.

-A Add a new portgroup to the virtual switch.

-D Delete the portgroup from the virtual switch.

-C Check to see if a portgroup exists. Program outputs a 1 if it exists, 0 otherwise.

-r Restore all virtual switches from the configuration file (Internal use only)

-h Displays command help

esxcfg-vswitch examples:

Add a pnic (vmnic2) to a vswitch (vswitch1):

esxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic2 vswitch1

Remove a pnic (vmnic3) from a vswitch (vswitch0):

esxcfg-vswitch -U vmnic3 vswitch0

Create a portgroup (VM Network3) on a vswitch (vswitch1):

esxcfg-vswitch -A "VM Network 3" vSwitch1

Assign a VLAN ID (3) to a portgroup (VM Network 3) on a vswitch (vswitch1):

esxcfg-vswitch -v 3 -p "VM Network 3" vSwitch1


Description: Creates and updates service console network settings. This command is used if you cannot manage the ESX Server host through the VI Client because of network configuration issues.

Syntax: esxcfg-vswif [vswif]


-a Add vswif, requires IP parameters. Automatically enables interface.

-d Delete vswif.

-l List configured vswifs.

-e Enable this vswif interface.

-s Disable this vswif interface.

-p Set the portgroup name of the vswif.

-i or DHCP The IP address for this vswif or specify DHCP to use DHCP for this address.

-n The IP netmask for this vswif.

-b The IP broadcast address for this vswif. (not required if netmask and ip are set)

-c Check to see if a virtual NIC exists. Program outputs a 1 if the given vswif exists, 0 otherwise.

-D Disable all vswif interfaces. (WARNING: This may result in a loss of network connectivity to the Service Console)

-E Enable all vswif interfaces and bring them up.

-r Restore all vswifs from the configuration file. (Internal use only)

-h Displays command help.

Note: You can set the Service Console default gateway by editing the /etc/sysconfig/network file or through the VI Client under Configuration, DNS & Routing.

esxcfg-vswif examples:

Change your Service Console (vswif0) IP and Subnet Mask:

esxcfg-vswif -i -n vswif0

Add a Service Console (vswif0):

esxcfg-vswif -a vswif0 -p "Service Console" -i -n


Description: Sets or retrieves the default VMkernel gateway route

Syntax: esxcfg-route [ [] ]

can be specified in 2 ways: as a single argument in / format or as a pair.

is either an IP address or 'default'

Options: -a Add route to the VMkernel, requires network address (or 'default') and gateway IP address.

-d Delete route from the VMkernel, requires network address (or 'default').

-l List configured routes for the Service Console.

-r Restore route setting to configured values on system start. (Internal use only)

-h Displays command help

esxcfg-route examples:

Set the VMkernel default gateway route:


Add a route to the VMkernel:

esxcfg-route -a default


Description: Creates and updates VMkernel TCP/IP settings for VMotion, NAS, and iSCSI

Syntax: esxcfg-vmknic [[portgroup]]


-a Add a VMkernel NIC to the system, requires IP parameters and portgroup name.

-d Delete VMkernel NIC on given portgroup.

-e Enable the given NIC if disabled.

-D Disable the given NIC if enabled.

-l List VMkernel NICs.

-i The IP address for this VMkernel NIC. Setting an IP address requires that the -n option be given in same command.

-n The IP netmask for this VMkernel NIC. Setting the IP netmask requires that the -i option be given in the same command.

-r Restore VMkernel TCP/IP interfaces from configuration file. (Internal use only)

-h Displays command help

esxcfg-vmknic examples:

Add a VMkernel NIC and set the IP and subnet mask:

esxcfg-vmknic -a "VM Kernel" -i -n


This below content is used for shifting one esx server to another esx server in different networks, for connecting esx server , we required a console for graphic user interface , i hope if u follow this for  connecting esx server thru vsphere client....
There is a time when you need to change the IP address your ESX host. You can’t do it in the VI client Graphical User Interface. The only thing you can do is to go to the ESX server console.
1.) First of all , you must have physical access to the console.
2.) Put your ESX host in Maintenance Mode and disconnect it from Virtual Center.
3.) Now you can connect to the console of your ESX host.
4.) Remove the old IP address (by deleting the vswif interface) “esxcfg-vswif -d vswif0″ (vsfif0 is your interface to remove. Otherwise use the number you need)
5.) Create a new vswif interface with the New IP address “esxcfg-vswif -a vswif0 -p “Service Console” -i -n -b″ (vsfif0 is your interface you work with. Otherwise use the number you need). If you need, replace Service Console with the name of your Service Console portgroup (this one is the default value)
-i is the new IP address
-n is your new subnet
-b is your broadcast
6.) Update the default gateway. Open nano “nano /etc/sysconfig/network file”
Press “CTRL+O” and “ENTER” then “CTRL+Q” to quit
7.) Then you need to restart the interface. Do a “esxcfg-vswif -s vswif0″ (this will disable the vswif0 interface) and “esxcfg-vswif -e vswif0″ (this will enable the vswif0 interface)
8.) You should now update update DNS and your HOSTS files. Also what I would do is a “ipconfig /flushdns” and “ipconfig /registerdns” on your Virtual Center server. Only after you should reconect your ESX server host in the Virtual Center.
You can change the DNS information, hostname from the VI client GUI:
01.) Open the VI client and highlight the ESX Server host and click on the Configuration tab.
02.) Click DNS and Routing.
03.) Click Properties.
04.) If you want to change the hostname, domain, and DNS servers, click the DNS Configuration tab and enter the appropriate values.
05.) To change the default gateway, click the Routing tab and enter the appropriate values.

06.) Then you can restart the ESX server from the GUI interface of your VI client for the changes to take an effect
So after the reboot you get this : (I just changed my DNS info from “” to “” … as an example
Please send a comment

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

VMware Infrastructure

What is VMware Infrastructure?

As you probably already know, VMware ESX is an enterprise grade virtualization product by VMware. Unlike VMware Server, VMware ESX does not require an underlying operating system to be loaded first. What this means is that you get the highest virtualization performance that is possible when using VMware ESX Server.

So what is VMware Infrastructure (VI)? VI, is really just a product suite. Keep that in mind. There is really no application called "VMware Infrastructure". VI is a bundle of VMware products.
What capabilities or options are available for VMware ESX?
When you buy a VMware Infrastructure suite, you are really just buying VMware ESX Server, the VMFS file system, and some number of options. No matter which suite or bundle you buy, you MUST get VMware ESX as that is the core virtualization product you will need.
So what options are available for VMware ESX? (some of these were covered in our VMware Versions Compared article)

Virtual Center (VC) - VC provides a centralized management console for all VMware ESX servers. If you plan to grow your virtual data center into the ten’s and hundreds, over time, you should have Virtual Center in your plans. To use VMotion, VM HA, VM DRS, and VM consolidated backup, you must purchase Virtual Center.

VMotion - Like magic, VMotion can move a running virtual server to another physical server, without interrupting that server’s requests. This can be done for maintenance of hardware or to better balance workload. VMotion requires a SAN be used to store the virtual machines being moved.

Virtual SMP- virtual symmetric multi-processing(SMP) option is what allows virtual machines to act as if they have multiple processors, thus improving performance.

VMware HA - the high availability (HA) option for ESX server is what moves virtual guest machines from a failed server to a running server. VM HA uses VMotion to accomplish its task.

VMware DRS - dynamic resource scheduling (DRS) is a load balancing system. It can be tuned to move virtual machines, or groups of machines, from one server to another based on the CPU, memory, disk, and network demands being placed on those servers. By using VMotion, DRS can move virtual machines automatically, throughout each day, to best balance the server load, and provide optimum performance to users.

•VMware Consolidated Backup (VCB)- VCB is an application, running on a separate server, that contacts virtual guests, on a schedule, and provides a pass-through to backup the virtual guest data to your third party backup application. VCB is not a backup application in itself but it has the ability to gain access to the VMFS proprietary file system and allow you to backup or restore individual files, inside the file system.

What different VMware Infrastructure Suites are available?
There are three VMware Infrastructure Suites available: Starter, Standard, and Enterprise. Here is how they compare:
VMware Infrastructure Starter Edition - only ESX Server & VMFS - no SAN storage, up to 4 CPU and 8GB of RAM per server, starting cost about $1000 per server

•VMware Infrastructure Standard Edition - only ESX Server, VMFS, SAN storage, and Virtual SMP, starting cost about $3750 per server

VMware Infrastructure Enterprise Edition - includes ESX Server, VMFS, Virtual SMP,
VM HA, VM DRS, and VCB, starting cost about $6000 per serverAlso, keep in mind that no matter which option you choose if you want to use centralized management and/or you want to use features like VMotion, VM HA, or VM DRS, you must purchase Virtual Center separately, at a cost of approximately $5000

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