Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Virtual Networking Features of the VMware vNetwork Distributed Switch and Cisco Nexus 1000V Switches

VMware vNetwork Standard Switch

The VMware vNetwork Standard Switch (vSS) is the base-level virtual networking alternative. It extends the familiar appearance, configuration, and capabilities of the standard virtual switch (vSwitch) in VMware ESX 3.5 to ESX 4.0 and vSphere 4.

VMware vNetwork Distributed Switch
The VMware vNetwork Distributed Switch (vDS) is new with vSphere 4. The VMware vDS extends the feature set of the VMware Standard Switch, while simplifying network provisioning, monitoring, and management through an abstracted, single distributed switch representation of multiple VMware ESX and ESXi Servers in a VMware data center.

Cisco Nexus 1000V Series Switches
Cisco Nexus™ 1000V Series Switches are the result of a Cisco and VMware collaboration building on the VMware vNetwork third-party vSwitch API of VMware vDS and the industry-leading switching technology of the Cisco Nexus Family of switches. Featuring the Cisco NX-OS Software data center operating system, the Cisco Nexus 1000V Series extends the virtual networking feature set to a level consistent with physical Cisco switches and brings advanced data center networking, security, and operating capabilities to the vSphere environment. It provides end-to-end physical and virtual network provisioning, monitoring, and administration with virtual machine–level granularity using common and existing network tools and interfaces. The Cisco Nexus 1000V Series transparently integrates with VMware vCenter Server to provide a consistent virtual machine provisioning workflow while offering features well suited for data center–class applications, VMware View, and other mission-critical virtual machine deployments.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Hi Every One!!!!

Vcenter is used for maintaining the esx server from a centralized place with user permission and cluster creation and the licensing issues. while migration time  from 4.0 to 4.1, we need to follow these steps for getting old database which is stored in 4.0  to 4.1.

Before migration All the service of vcenter should be stop
VMware VirtualCenter Server
VMware VirtualCenter Management Webservices
VMware vCenter Update Manager Service

Mount the vcenter in the old vcenter machine and open the cd and copy the Datamigration folder to C:\Datamigration
Extract all the file in the same folder

Navigate to C:\Datamigration\ and run backup.bat , the script will backup all configuration settings from your recent vCenter installation and database. (Software builds, used ports, database information, server names and VUM Settings/Patches etc.).. once finished all the important data is stored in C:\Datamigration\Data\
If there are any errors while making the backup… check this and fix before you go further!
Now you need to copy the C:\Databasemigration\ folder to your new planned vCenter 4.1 server. You can do this by share, copy this on USB stick or whatever.

Migrate the database and install vCenter 4.1:
- Login to the new vCenter server;
- Mount the new
VMware vCenter Server 4.1 and modules
Open CMD:
- Navigate to C:\Data migration\ and run install.bat. The script will check if the correct data is present..
If you used a different name for your new vCenter server press Yes.. to continue
Then you must select the vCenter 4.1 and VUM installation source. In my case the mounted ISO has driveletter F:\
The configuration will be validated, correct ports numbers, vCenter serial number etc.. all good..
.. The vCenter Installation is started

I already installed a Microsoft SQL 2005 Enterprise server (local) and created a 32 bit ODBC connection, THEN select “vCenter41” DSN
If needed, give the correct credentials

You can modify this later, please check: for more information

- I changed the installation path to D:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\ .. default location is C:\..\.

Oke, the installation was not so difficult. After clicking finish the install.bat will continue with the VMware Update Manager database migration and installation.
VMware Update Manager – Database migration and installation software:
As you can see “vCenter Server migration installed completed successfully” great
The install.bat script will continue and check again if the selected VUM ports are available and if the copied data migratable is for the new VUM database location

 For VMware Update Manager you need to create a 64-Bit DSN. You can create this here: C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe .. oke, thats done.. select the VUM (already created before installation) database.

The installation and patch download location is by default C:\.. I prefer to install this data on a separate disk.. so I changed the installation path to D:\…\.. 

Now you can connect your vCenter server and manage your hosts and VM’s.. sometimes you can’t!
Tip before connect the vCenter:

- Reboot your new vCenter 4.1 server;

- On the ESX host: Restart your management services: service mgmt-vmware restart
- On the ESX host: Use a text editor to view/change the IP address inside the tags the following file:/etc/opt/vmware/vpxa/vpxa.cfg
Finally result:

Successful migration process  of vCenter 4.0 to new 4.1 server
I Hope Every Body Enjoyed .Problem has been solved !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

VMWARE BUILD With Versions

Template Customization In VMware On windows 2008

for eg: goto 2003 cd 1
goto support folder----> Tool--------> ( extract that file in folder like windows2003)
copy that files in the below given path in sysprep folder......•If vCenter Server is installed on Windows Server 2008, is %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\sysprep which translates to C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\sysprep by default.
•If vCenter Server is installed on any other Windows operating system, is %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\VMware VirtualCenter\sysprep\ which translates to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\sysprep\ by default

After copying the file ,Check Once whether custimazion option will be available or Not...
Windows 2003 Server SP1
Download at \svr2003 5.2.3790.1830


Windows 2003 Server SP2

Download at \svr2003 5.2.3790.3959


Windows 2003 Server R2

Download at \svr2003 5.2.3790.1830


if Any Doubts , Please send a mail
Please give comments , if the problem is solved or not

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

esxcfg-nics –l Display the nic card information

esxcfg-vswitch –l Display the information of Switch

esxcfg-vswitch –a vswitch1 Creates a virtual switch

esxcfg-vswitch –A “service console” vswitch1 Creating a service console switch

esxcfg-vswitch –L vmnic1 vswitch1

esxcfg-vswitch –v -p “service console” vswitch0

esxcfg-vswif –a vswif0 –I -n -P “SERVICE CONSOLE “ Changing the ip addresss of vswif

vmware-cmd -l Display the guest OS information

vm-support –x Display the VMID Value

vm-support –X for stoping the guest OS ( KillIng Vm)

service mgmt-vmware restart Restart the Management agent of Vmware Esx server

service network restart Restart the network Service

esxcfg-vswif –l List of virtual network Adapters

esxcfg-vswitch –l List of virtual switch

esxcfg-vswif --del vswif0 Deleting the vswif adapter

esxcfg-vswitch -d vSwitch0 Deleting the vSwitch

cat /etc/sysconfig/network



GATEWAY=nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn verify that the settings in the network file are correct

service /etc/init.d/ vmware-webAccess status

service /etc/init.d/ vmware-webAccess start

service /etc/init.d/ vmware-webAccess restart

service /etc/init.d/ vmware-webAccess stop Web Browser is not working, we need to check this commands

service vmware-vpxa restart Restart the virtual center agent

vmfsktools -i -d diskformat Copying the VMFS file from one place to another place

Simple Service Commands

Get help on a command man reboot or

reboot –help This works with both Linux & ESX commands. Q to quit

Gives you short explanation

View Last 10 commands history
tail History normally list your past commands, used with tail it will filter to show only the last 10

Clear the screen Clear Same as CLS in a cmd prompt

Switch to being root su - It is regarded as good practice to login with a VM Administrator

account and then switch to being ROOT if required. The minus sign switches bash to ROOT and ROOT’s environment. Without you would have the rights of root, but command might fail due to being in the incorrect path for the executable

Currently logged in user whoami or

id I find it especially important to know who I am in all situations.

Failure to know who you are can result in surprising results. Id

shows your group membership as well

Change the Date/Time date –u 0701180504 The –u switch indicates the UTC format is being used. Numbers

equate to mm/dd/hh/mm/yy

Display ESX Version

Number vmware –v Should display information along this kind “VMware ESX Server

2.5.0 build-11343

Get help on a Command vmware –? or vmware –help Prints to console a quick list of switches and their meaning

Get a manual page on

a command man su Open a more detail page of information about a command or utility

Search Man pages by index Makewhatis

man –k partition Makewhatis man –k partition

Reboot ESX Server Reboot Reboots the server, does not ask are you sure… are you really sure?

Shutdown shutdown now “Server shutting down for maintenance” Shuts down the VM’s and stops remote access – physical console is still accessible

Shutdown & Halt shutdown –h now “server shutting down for maintenance” Shuts down the VM’s; Stops Remote Access – and does a fault halt of the system… Swap file is deactivated, and volumes un-mounted

File & Folder Management

Purpose Syntax Example/Sample Notes

List files ls -l In PuTTy this colour codes the files, and directories and shows Type,Permissions, Group, User, Size (b) Date, and filename

List files with a pause ls –l
more The
is the pipe symbol commonly found where the \ is on a UK keyboard

List hidden files ls –a l Shows files that are hidden – files are made hidden if prefixed with a period, such as ./install

Full Path location Pwd Like what would see in a DOS command prompt

Return to the root cd / You have to put a space between d and /

Return one directory

up cd .. Again, you need a space between cd and ..

Go to home directory cd CD on its own returns you to the home directory of the current users

Type the contents of a

file cat instructor1.vmx

less instructor1.vmx Same as the TYPE command in DOS

Works better with longer files – use the keystroke [Q] to quit like


Search for string

inside a file grep lavericm /etc/passwd Here we are searching for a piece of text called lavericm in the file

called passwd

Use a command

together with grep ls /etc -l
grep vmware Here we are listing all the files in /etc that contain the string vmware

Edit the contents of a

file nano –w /etc/fstab -w disables word wrap and stops unwanted carriage returns

Control+X, [ENTER] [ENTER] exits nano and saves a file

Create/Delete a

directory mkdir /vmimages/iso

rmdir /vmimages/iso Without file path, directory made relative to your path

Delete a file rm filename If your deleting lots of files rm –f *.txt will delete all the txt files but will NOT prompt you

Mount a CD at the Service Console mount /dev/cdrom

ls –l /mnt/cdrom Root only!

Mount an ISO at the

Service Console mkdir /mnt/isocd

mount -o loop -t iso9660 -r /vmimges/esx2.1.iso

/mnt/isocd Create directory for the mount point

-o loop means mount the device as a block device

-t iso9660 means its using the iso file system (as opposed to say Joliet) –r means to mount read-only

Copy a file cp /vmimges/w2k3.iso /vmfs/local Becareful with the use of wildcards if you try to copy every file with *.* as you would with DOS/Windows – this would misout files that DID NOT have extension. So w2k3.iso would be copied but w2k3 would not…

Securely copy a file

from one ESX server

to another scp /vmimages/w2kadvsrv-sp4.iso This uses secure copy. You will prompted with some security

warnings on the first copy for the first time. You will have manually

type the password of the remote machine

Renaming a file/folder mv w2k3.iso cdw2k3.iso Move because effectively, any rename is move procedure. As can be seen in the MUI

Find a file whereis If you know the name of a file but can’t remember where it is stored

the whereis command is dead easy to use

Find a file find / -iname '*.conf' Find is much more powerful but can take longer based on your

search criteria. Search here begins at the root / and is caseinsensitive

search by using –iname and ‘*.conf’ would find every

conf file – note ‘ ’ are required – these are ‘single quotes’ not


Find a file which

contains a piece of

text find /usr/lib/vmware-mui -iname '*.html' -exec grep -il

'Download VMware Remote Console' {} \; This invokes the find command with the exec switch which allows

you to execute a program based on the find results. Here we are

search every html file which exists in the MUI web directories.

Executing a grep on each file searching for the words ‘Download

VMware Remote Console”. The -i stops case-sensitivity, and –l

causes the file name to printed to the service console session. The

{} is a variable holder for the search string in single quotes. The \

and ; are “end of expression” and “end of command” marker

Find new files find / -mount -mtime -1 -print / is the search point, -mount volumes mounted, -mtime is the

duration and –print is the format for output to the screen

Find files of N size find / -mount –size +10240k This would find files off / taking up more than 10MG

Compress a single file gzip instructor1.dsk –best Works best with single files such a DSK file Caution, automatically deletes original and adds a gz extension to

the file name
hostname newhostname

vi /etc/hosts

vi /etc/sysconfig/network

service network restart

nage Services

service mgmt-vmware restart

Restart Network:

service network restart

Web Access

service vmware-webAccess restart

VMkernel authorization daemon

/etc/init.d/vmware-vmkauthd stop

/etc/init.d/vmware-vmkauthd start

VMware late init tools

service vmware-late restart

Virtualcenter agent

service vmware-vpxa restart

service restart

vmware-cmd –l


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd -l



List path and names of .registered VM vmx files on the present host

Very important!

Use the path with the UUID (vmfslabel) where requested in vmware-cmd

use vmware-cmd -l command to retrieve the UUID list

vmware-cmd /vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx getstate


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx getstate

getstate() = on

Retrieve power state of the VM: off, on, suspended, stuck


vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx reset trysoft


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx reset trysoft

reset(trysoft) = 1 ls VM-Disk and VMFS Management in the console

vmkfstools -X

Extend virtual Disk

vmkfstools -X 12G ./testing.vmdk

To extend an existing Virtual Disk to 12GB. Instead of G you can use M for Megabytes

With the same command you can shrink the disk (only for ESX Version prior to 3.0) if you choose a smaller than the present size. Be aware if the shrinked size is smaller as the partition size in the guest there might be a data losse or a corrupted system resulting!

In some cases the shrink command must be issued with the --force option:

vmkfstools -X 4G ./testing.vmdk --force

For shrinking on ESX 3.0x use the VMWare Converter (download from the VMware Website for freee). Point the source and destination to the same ESX Host.

If you receive an error one parameter was incorrect the size might be smaller as the original size!

If you have blanks in the file or directory name, mask the full path with '

vmkfstools -i

To export or clone a virtual disk from VMFS

vmfsktools -i -d diskformat


Copy from one vmfs to another:



vmkfstools -i /vmfs/volumes/esxpublic/testvm2.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/production/testvmnew2.vmdk

Export to ext3 partition:



vmkfstools -i /vmfs/esxpublic/testvm2.vmdk -d 2gbsparse /vmimages/testvm2.vmdk

vmkfstools -E

Rename files associated with a specified virtual disk

vmkfstools -U

Delete Virtualdisk

Delete files associated with the specified virtual disk.

vmkfstools -c 4000M ./file.vmdk

To create a new empty virtual disk

vmkfstools -c 300G -a lsilogic /vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/directory/newdisk.vmdk

or in current directory

vmkfstools -c 300G -a lsilogic ./newdisk.vmdk

This command is very useful because you can use user-friendly names for the disks

For further options enter man vmkfstools

Reboot the VM. First try a nice shutdown, then if necessary force a shutdown before reboot


vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx start


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx start

start() = 1

Power on the VM


vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx stop trysoft

vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx stop hard


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx stop trysoft

stop(trysoft) = 1

Shutdown/halt the VM. First try a nice shutdown, then if necessary force a shutdown. Finally power off.


vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx suspend


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx suspend

suspend() = 1

Suspend the VM

suspend vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx hassnapshot


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx hassnapshot

hassnapshot() =

Query if VM has a snapshot

snapshot vmware-cmd createsnapshot name description quiesce memory


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx createsnapshot "snap1" "before patching" quiesce memory

createsnapshot(snap1 before patching quiesce memory) = 1

[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx hassnapshot

hassnapshot() = 1

Quiesce will quiesce file system writes

Memory will grab the memory state (will lose pings during this)

createsnapshot vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx revertsnapshot


[root@vs03 root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx revertsnapshot

revertsnapshot() = 1

Revert to previous created snapshot (you loose the current VM state!)

revertsnapshot vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx removesnapshots


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx removesnapshots

removesnapshots() = 1

Remove previous created snapshots (you keep the current VM state!)

removesnapshots vmware-cmd -s register vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd -s register /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx

register(/vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx) = 1

Register VM (add to inventory)

register vmware-cmd -s unregister vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd -s unregister /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx

unregister(/vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx) = 1

Unregister VM (add to inventory)

unregister vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx answer


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx answer

No questions pending.

In this case there is no pending input request. If there is any pending input request you will be promptet for the answser.

answer pending request for userinput

Cd etc/init.d

Service vmware-webacess start

Cd etc/ssh

Nano sshd_config

Root permission yes



Save yes

/sbin/service /ssh restart Service Command sshd on same path

/sbin/service /ssh start

/sbin/service /ssh status

Manage Services

Management agent on the host:

service mgmt-vmware restart

Restart Network:

service network restart

Web Access

service vmware-webAccess restart

VMkernel authorization daemon

/etc/init.d/vmware-vmkauthd stop

/etc/init.d/vmware-vmkauthd start

VMware late init tools

service vmware-late restart

Virtualcenter agent

service vmware-vpxa restart

service restart

vmware-cmd –l


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd -l



List path and names of .registered VM vmx files on the present host

Very important!

Use the path with the UUID (vmfslabel) where requested in vmware-cmd

use vmware-cmd -l command to retrieve the UUID list

vmware-cmd /vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx getstate


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx getstate

getstate() = on

Retrieve power state of the VM: off, on, suspended, stuck


vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx reset trysoft


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx reset trysoft

reset(trysoft) = 1

vmkfstools VM-Disk and VMFS Management in the console

vmkfstools -X

Extend virtual Disk

vmkfstools -X 12G ./testing.vmdk

To extend an existing Virtual Disk to 12GB. Instead of G you can use M for Megabytes

With the same command you can shrink the disk (only for ESX Version prior to 3.0) if you choose a smaller than the present size. Be aware if the shrinked size is smaller as the partition size in the guest there might be a data losse or a corrupted system resulting!

In some cases the shrink command must be issued with the --force option:

vmkfstools -X 4G ./testing.vmdk --force

For shrinking on ESX 3.0x use the VMWare Converter (download from the VMware Website for freee). Point the source and destination to the same ESX Host.

If you receive an error one parameter was incrorrect the size might be smaller as the original size!

If you have blanks in the file or directoryname, mask the full path with '

vmkfstools -i

To export or clone a virtual disk from VMFS

vmfsktools -i -d diskformat


Copy from one vmfs to another:



vmkfstools -i /vmfs/volumes/esxpublic/testvm2.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/production/testvmnew2.vmdk

Export to ext3 partition:



vmkfstools -i /vmfs/esxpublic/testvm2.vmdk -d 2gbsparse /vmimages/testvm2.vmdk

vmkfstools -E

Rename files associated with a specified virtual disk

vmkfstools -U

Delete Virtualdisk

Delete files associated with the specified virtual disk.

vmkfstools -c 4000M ./file.vmdk

To create a new empty virtual disk

vmkfstools -c 300G -a lsilogic /vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/directory/newdisk.vmdk

or in current directory

vmkfstools -c 300G -a lsilogic ./newdisk.vmdk

This command is very useful because you can use user-friendly names for the disks

For further options enter man vmkfstools

Reboot the VM. First try a nice shutdown, then if necessary force a shutdown before reboot


vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx start


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx start

start() = 1

Power on the VM


vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx stop trysoft

vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx stop hard


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx stop trysoft

stop(trysoft) = 1

Shutdown/halt the VM. First try a nice shutdown, then if necessary force a shutdown. Finally power off.


vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx suspend


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx suspend

suspend() = 1

Suspend the VM

suspend vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx hassnapshot


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx hassnapshot

hassnapshot() =

Query if VM has a snapshot

snapshot vmware-cmd createsnapshot name description quiesce memory


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx createsnapshot "snap1" "before patching" quiesce memory

createsnapshot(snap1 before patching quiesce memory) = 1

[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx hassnapshot

hassnapshot() = 1

Quiesce will quiesce file system writes

Memory will grab the memory state (will lose pings during this)

createsnapshot vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx revertsnapshot


[root@vs03 root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx revertsnapshot

revertsnapshot() = 1

Revert to previous created snapshot (you loose the current VM state!)

revertsnapshot vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx removesnapshots


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx removesnapshots

removesnapshots() = 1

Remove previous created snapshots (you keep the current VM state!)

removesnapshots vmware-cmd -s register vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd -s register /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx

register(/vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx) = 1

Register VM (add to inventory)

register vmware-cmd -s unregister vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd -s unregister /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx

unregister(/vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx) = 1

Unregister VM (add to inventory)

unregister vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx answer


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx answer

No questions pending.

In this case there is no pending input request. If there is any pending input request you will be promptet for the answser.

answer pending request for userinput

o delete and recreate a virtual switch and Service Console from the command line:

Note: On your system the vswif, vmnic, vSwitch numbers and network settings are different.

esxcfg-nics –l Display the nic card information

esxcfg-vswitch –l Display the information of Switch

esxcfg-vswitch –a vswitch1 Creates a virtual switch

esxcfg-vswitch –A “service console” vswitch1 Creating a service console switch

esxcfg-vswitch –L vmnic1 vswitch1

esxcfg-vswitch –v -p “service console” vswitch0

esxcfg-vswif –a vswif0 –I -n -P “SERVICE CONSOLE “ Changing the ip addresss of vswif

vmware-cmd -l Display the guest OS information

vm-support –x Display the VMID Value

vm-support –X for stoping the guest OS ( KillIng Vm)

service mgmt-vmware restart Restart the Management agent of Vmware Esx server

service network restart Restart the network Service

esxcfg-vswif –l List of virtual network Adapters

esxcfg-vswitch –l List of virtual switch

esxcfg-vswif --del vswif0 Deleting the vswif adapter

esxcfg-vswitch -d vSwitch0 Deleting the vSwitch

cat /etc/sysconfig/network



GATEWAY=nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn verify that the settings in the network file are correct

service /etc/init.d/ vmware-webAccess status

service /etc/init.d/ vmware-webAccess start

service /etc/init.d/ vmware-webAccess restart

service /etc/init.d/ vmware-webAccess stop Web Browser is not working, we need to check this commands

service vmware-vpxa restart Restart the virtual center agent

vmfsktools -i -d diskformat Copying the VMFS file from one place to another place

Simple Service Commands

Get help on a command man reboot or

reboot –help This works with both Linux & ESX commands. Q to quit

Gives you short explanation

View Last 10 commands history
tail History normally list your past commands, used with tail it will filter to show only the last 10

Clear the screen Clear Same as CLS in a cmd prompt

Switch to being root su - It is regarded as good practice to login with a VM Administrator

account and then switch to being ROOT if required. The minus sign switches bash to ROOT and ROOT’s environment. Without you would have the rights of root, but command might fail due to being in the incorrect path for the executable

Currently logged in user whoami or

id I find it especially important to know who I am in all situations.

Failure to know who you are can result in surprising results. Id

shows your group membership as well

Change the Date/Time date –u 0701180504 The –u switch indicates the UTC format is being used. Numbers

equate to mm/dd/hh/mm/yy

Display ESX Version

Number vmware –v Should display information along this kind “VMware ESX Server

2.5.0 build-11343

Get help on a Command vmware –? or vmware –help Prints to console a quick list of switches and their meaning

Get a manual page on

a command man su Open a more detail page of information about a command or utility

Search Man pages by index Makewhatis

man –k partition Makewhatis man –k partition

Reboot ESX Server Reboot Reboots the server, does not ask are you sure… are you really sure?

Shutdown shutdown now “Server shutting down for maintenance” Shuts down the VM’s and stops remote access – physical console is still accessible

Shutdown & Halt shutdown –h now “server shutting down for maintenance” Shuts down the VM’s; Stops Remote Access – and does a fault halt of the system… Swap file is deactivated, and volumes un-mounted

File & Folder Management

Purpose Syntax Example/Sample Notes

List files ls -l In PuTTy this colour codes the files, and directories and shows Type,Permissions, Group, User, Size (b) Date, and filename

List files with a pause ls –l
more The
is the pipe symbol commonly found where the \ is on a UK keyboard

List hidden files ls –a l Shows files that are hidden – files are made hidden if prefixed with a period, such as ./install

Full Path location Pwd Like what would see in a DOS command prompt

Return to the root cd / You have to put a space between d and /

Return one directory

up cd .. Again, you need a space between cd and ..

Go to home directory cd CD on its own returns you to the home directory of the current users

Type the contents of a

file cat instructor1.vmx

less instructor1.vmx Same as the TYPE command in DOS

Works better with longer files – use the keystroke [Q] to quit like


Search for string

inside a file grep lavericm /etc/passwd Here we are searching for a piece of text called lavericm in the file

called passwd

Use a command

together with grep ls /etc -l
grep vmware Here we are listing all the files in /etc that contain the string vmware

Edit the contents of a

file nano –w /etc/fstab -w disables word wrap and stops unwanted carriage returns

Control+X, [ENTER] [ENTER] exits nano and saves a file

Create/Delete a

directory mkdir /vmimages/iso

rmdir /vmimages/iso Without file path, directory made relative to your path

Delete a file rm filename If your deleting lots of files rm –f *.txt will delete all the txt files but will NOT prompt you

Mount a CD at the Service Console mount /dev/cdrom

ls –l /mnt/cdrom Root only!

Mount an ISO at the

Service Console mkdir /mnt/isocd

mount -o loop -t iso9660 -r /vmimges/esx2.1.iso

/mnt/isocd Create directory for the mount point

-o loop means mount the device as a block device

-t iso9660 means its using the iso file system (as opposed to say Joliet) –r means to mount read-only

Copy a file cp /vmimges/w2k3.iso /vmfs/local Becareful with the use of wildcards if you try to copy every file with *.* as you would with DOS/Windows – this would misout files that DID NOT have extension. So w2k3.iso would be copied but w2k3 would not…

Securely copy a file

from one ESX server

to another scp /vmimages/w2kadvsrv-sp4.iso This uses secure copy. You will prompted with some security

warnings on the first copy for the first time. You will have manually

type the password of the remote machine

Renaming a file/folder mv w2k3.iso cdw2k3.iso Move because effectively, any rename is move procedure. As can be seen in the MUI

Find a file whereis If you know the name of a file but can’t remember where it is stored

the whereis command is dead easy to use

Find a file find / -iname '*.conf' Find is much more powerful but can take longer based on your

search criteria. Search here begins at the root / and is caseinsensitive

search by using –iname and ‘*.conf’ would find every

conf file – note ‘ ’ are required – these are ‘single quotes’ not


Find a file which

contains a piece of

text find /usr/lib/vmware-mui -iname '*.html' -exec grep -il

'Download VMware Remote Console' {} \; This invokes the find command with the exec switch which allows

you to execute a program based on the find results. Here we are

search every html file which exists in the MUI web directories.

Executing a grep on each file searching for the words ‘Download

VMware Remote Console”. The -i stops case-sensitivity, and –l

causes the file name to printed to the service console session. The

{} is a variable holder for the search string in single quotes. The \

and ; are “end of expression” and “end of command” marker

Find new files find / -mount -mtime -1 -print / is the search point, -mount volumes mounted, -mtime is the

duration and –print is the format for output to the screen

Find files of N size find / -mount –size +10240k This would find files off / taking up more than 10MG

Compress a single file gzip instructor1.dsk –best Works best with single files such a DSK file Caution, automatically deletes original and adds a gz extension to

the file name

hostname newhostname

vi /etc/hosts

vi /etc/sysconfig/network

service network restart

nage Services

service mgmt-vmware restart

Restart Network:

service network restart

Web Access

service vmware-webAccess restart

VMkernel authorization daemon

/etc/init.d/vmware-vmkauthd stop

/etc/init.d/vmware-vmkauthd start

VMware late init tools

service vmware-late restart

Virtualcenter agent

service vmware-vpxa restart

service restart

vmware-cmd –l


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd -l



List path and names of .registered VM vmx files on the present host

Very important!

Use the path with the UUID (vmfslabel) where requested in vmware-cmd

use vmware-cmd -l command to retrieve the UUID list

vmware-cmd /vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx getstate


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx getstate

getstate() = on

Retrieve power state of the VM: off, on, suspended, stuck


vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx reset trysoft


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx reset trysoft

reset(trysoft) = 1 ls VM-Disk and VMFS Management in the console

vmkfstools -X

Extend virtual Disk

vmkfstools -X 12G ./testing.vmdk

To extend an existing Virtual Disk to 12GB. Instead of G you can use M for Megabytes

With the same command you can shrink the disk (only for ESX Version prior to 3.0) if you choose a smaller than the present size. Be aware if the shrinked size is smaller as the partition size in the guest there might be a data losse or a corrupted system resulting!

In some cases the shrink command must be issued with the --force option:

vmkfstools -X 4G ./testing.vmdk --force

For shrinking on ESX 3.0x use the VMWare Converter (download from the VMware Website for freee). Point the source and destination to the same ESX Host.

If you receive an error one parameter was incorrect the size might be smaller as the original size!

If you have blanks in the file or directory name, mask the full path with '

vmkfstools -i

To export or clone a virtual disk from VMFS

vmfsktools -i -d diskformat


Copy from one vmfs to another:



vmkfstools -i /vmfs/volumes/esxpublic/testvm2.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/production/testvmnew2.vmdk

Export to ext3 partition:



vmkfstools -i /vmfs/esxpublic/testvm2.vmdk -d 2gbsparse /vmimages/testvm2.vmdk

vmkfstools -E

Rename files associated with a specified virtual disk

vmkfstools -U

Delete Virtualdisk

Delete files associated with the specified virtual disk.

vmkfstools -c 4000M ./file.vmdk

To create a new empty virtual disk

vmkfstools -c 300G -a lsilogic /vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/directory/newdisk.vmdk

or in current directory

vmkfstools -c 300G -a lsilogic ./newdisk.vmdk

This command is very useful because you can use user-friendly names for the disks

For further options enter man vmkfstools

Reboot the VM. First try a nice shutdown, then if necessary force a shutdown before reboot


vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx start


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx start

start() = 1

Power on the VM


vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx stop trysoft

vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx stop hard


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx stop trysoft

stop(trysoft) = 1

Shutdown/halt the VM. First try a nice shutdown, then if necessary force a shutdown. Finally power off.


vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx suspend


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx suspend

suspend() = 1

Suspend the VM

suspend vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx hassnapshot


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx hassnapshot

hassnapshot() =

Query if VM has a snapshot

snapshot vmware-cmd createsnapshot name description quiesce memory


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx createsnapshot "snap1" "before patching" quiesce memory

createsnapshot(snap1 before patching quiesce memory) = 1

[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx hassnapshot

hassnapshot() = 1

Quiesce will quiesce file system writes

Memory will grab the memory state (will lose pings during this)

createsnapshot vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx revertsnapshot


[root@vs03 root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx revertsnapshot

revertsnapshot() = 1

Revert to previous created snapshot (you loose the current VM state!)

revertsnapshot vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx removesnapshots


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx removesnapshots

removesnapshots() = 1

Remove previous created snapshots (you keep the current VM state!)

removesnapshots vmware-cmd -s register vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd -s register /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx

register(/vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx) = 1

Register VM (add to inventory)

register vmware-cmd -s unregister vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd -s unregister /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx

unregister(/vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx) = 1

Unregister VM (add to inventory)

unregister vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx answer


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx answer

No questions pending.

In this case there is no pending input request. If there is any pending input request you will be promptet for the answser.

answer pending request for userinput

Cd etc/init.d

Service vmware-webacess start

Cd etc/ssh

Nano sshd_config

Root permission yes



Save yes

/sbin/service /ssh restart Service Command sshd on same path

/sbin/service /ssh start

/sbin/service /ssh status

Manage Services

Management agent on the host:

service mgmt-vmware restart

Restart Network:

service network restart

Web Access

service vmware-webAccess restart

VMkernel authorization daemon

/etc/init.d/vmware-vmkauthd stop

/etc/init.d/vmware-vmkauthd start

VMware late init tools

service vmware-late restart

Virtualcenter agent

service vmware-vpxa restart

service restart

vmware-cmd –l


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd -l



List path and names of .registered VM vmx files on the present host

Very important!

Use the path with the UUID (vmfslabel) where requested in vmware-cmd

use vmware-cmd -l command to retrieve the UUID list

vmware-cmd /vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx getstate


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx getstate
getstate() = on
Retrieve power state of the VM: off, on, suspended, stuck


vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx reset trysoft


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx reset trysoft

reset(trysoft) = 1

vmkfstools VM-Disk and VMFS Management in the console

vmkfstools -X

Extend virtual Disk

vmkfstools -X 12G ./testing.vmdk

To extend an existing Virtual Disk to 12GB. Instead of G you can use M for Megabytes

With the same command you can shrink the disk (only for ESX Version prior to 3.0) if you choose a smaller than the present size. Be aware if the shrinked size is smaller as the partition size in the guest there might be a data losse or a corrupted system resulting!

In some cases the shrink command must be issued with the --force option:

vmkfstools -X 4G ./testing.vmdk --force

For shrinking on ESX 3.0x use the VMWare Converter (download from the VMware Website for freee). Point the source and destination to the same ESX Host.

If you receive an error one parameter was incrorrect the size might be smaller as the original size!

If you have blanks in the file or directoryname, mask the full path with '

vmkfstools -i

To export or clone a virtual disk from VMFS

vmfsktools -i -d diskformat


Copy from one vmfs to another:



vmkfstools -i /vmfs/volumes/esxpublic/testvm2.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/production/testvmnew2.vmdk

Export to ext3 partition:



vmkfstools -i /vmfs/esxpublic/testvm2.vmdk -d 2gbsparse /vmimages/testvm2.vmdk

vmkfstools -E

Rename files associated with a specified virtual disk

vmkfstools -U

Delete Virtualdisk

Delete files associated with the specified virtual disk.

vmkfstools -c 4000M ./file.vmdk

To create a new empty virtual disk

vmkfstools -c 300G -a lsilogic /vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/directory/newdisk.vmdk

or in current directory

vmkfstools -c 300G -a lsilogic ./newdisk.vmdk

This command is very useful because you can use user-friendly names for the disks

For further options enter man vmkfstools

Reboot the VM. First try a nice shutdown, then if necessary force a shutdown before reboot


vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx start


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx start

start() = 1

Power on the VM


vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx stop trysoft

vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx stop hard


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx stop trysoft

stop(trysoft) = 1

Shutdown/halt the VM. First try a nice shutdown, then if necessary force a shutdown. Finally power off.


vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx suspend


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx suspend

suspend() = 1

Suspend the VM

suspend vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx hassnapshot


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx hassnapshot

hassnapshot() =

Query if VM has a snapshot

snapshot vmware-cmd createsnapshot name description quiesce memory


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx createsnapshot "snap1" "before patching" quiesce memory

createsnapshot(snap1 before patching quiesce memory) = 1

[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx hassnapshot

hassnapshot() = 1

Quiesce will quiesce file system writes

Memory will grab the memory state (will lose pings during this)

createsnapshot vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx revertsnapshot


[root@vs03 root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx revertsnapshot

revertsnapshot() = 1

Revert to previous created snapshot (you loose the current VM state!)

revertsnapshot vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx removesnapshots


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx removesnapshots

removesnapshots() = 1

Remove previous created snapshots (you keep the current VM state!)

removesnapshots vmware-cmd -s register vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd -s register /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx

register(/vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx) = 1

Register VM (add to inventory)

register vmware-cmd -s unregister vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd -s unregister /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx

unregister(/vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx) = 1

Unregister VM (add to inventory)

unregister vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx answer


[root@esxhost root]# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx answer

No questions pending.

In this case there is no pending input request. If there is any pending input request you will be promptet for the answser.

answer pending request for userinput

o delete and recreate a virtual switch and Service Console from the command line:

Note: On your system the vswif, vmnic, vSwitch numbers and network settings are different.

acm bottom ad